Thursday, June 25, 2015

The most colorful room

The most colorful room in the house. It makes me happy to be in this room. 
The chair from Ikea recently became yellow and I love the color. I also painted the chest of drawers  red it was a bit of a job but it looks nice. Carpet is a market find, always nice to know there is not two of them. The pillows are from France handmade by a friend of mine, find them on, Crafty. 
My daughter bought the old typewriter on a market and she is using it all the time.

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Minecraft Birthday party

A Minecraft birthday party.As I told you before you will see a bit of everything here now. 

And then it was Noahs turn, 11 this year. He invited 30 kids to his birthday party, just to be sure to give mummy something to do! It was great, a good theme for the birthday as everything is squared makes the decoration work simple. I must say that it does not take 30 minutes to prepare... I read all these blogs from American mothers saying how easy it was , how you simply throw a Minecraft party for your child, Hmmm I would realistically say that it takes a week to prepare but it's certainly worth it!  We had a lot of fun! Specially happy about the TNT sweet bags made of empty kitchen rolls.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Ett städat vardagsrum...

Sharing some pictures of our living room, In between birthday parties it looks like this... At the moment I have the impression that it is a huge mess all the time so its nice to see that it can look clean every now and then. 

 Det kan se ut såhär i vardagsrummet, i maj månad gör det sällan det dock...

Picture Caroline Scheyven

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Konst byter ägare

And I did have time to paint a little bit also. These two paintings 1 *1,50 m each is now hanging in a beautiful home in Ixelles. I will visit one day to take some pictures of them up on the wall. It is always fun to see your paintings in their new home. 

Två stora färgglada tavlor fick nytt hem förra veckan. 

Ninas birthday party

My lovely daughters 9th birthday. 

Så fyllde hon 9 min lilla tjej,
hennes önskan var att ha tjejerna i klassen sovandes här så så fick det bli.
Det bäddades för 8 flickor i gästrummet jag gjorde örngott med deras namn och en girlang av gamla lampskärmar, det blev riktigt mysigt. Vi tog tjejerna till polen och badade, fixade karaoke i källaren och gjorde masker till skolfesten dagen efter. 
Det var roligt, hög ljudnivå, mycket skratt och fniss, en sen kväll och en tidig morgon.
Måste bedge dock att jag var helt slut efter denna helgen.

Monday, June 8, 2015

My messy life...


så var det det där med bloggen då, det går sådär bra...
Alla dessa regler, skriv på ett språk, posta inte för ofta inte för sällan,håll dig till en sak blanda inte ihop yrke och privatliv. Alltså det går inte ihop för mig...
Så jag tänkte att jag skiter i det, jag skriver på det språk jag känner för, blandar allt som händer i mitt liv, här kommer Inredning, familjeliv,födelsedagar,blommor, skratt och gråt!

About the blog, well I don't get it together. There is so many things to think about, to not mix personal with profession, not posting to often and not too seldom. Keep to one language... I cant do it. So I will mix it all and give you the true picture of my life with Interior design, flowers , family days , birthday preparations laughter and sad days. Voila, I will stop thinking of what you are supposed to do and do my thing. An enormous mix of things that fill my days!

Maybe I will find a good balance one day, until then enjoy the mess! 

Sunday is the day for market for me, I love the mess the atmosphere the sound and the smell. As long as the smell stays there and not in the things I buy...